Your Teenager Is About to Drive. Don’t Panic!

Your child is about ready to be mobile. If you were the one to teach him how to drive, you know more than anyone whether or not he is ready to go solo behind the wheel. With today’s technology, you have the opportunity to closely monitor his every move, whether he knows it or not. In most cases, your child is going to be extremely careful, simply because of the fact that he is nervous about being on his own in the car for the first time.

Make Sure to Have a GPS in the Car
Always make sure there is a GPS unit in the car. Not only will it help him get where he is going, but most units also track where the car has been. Clearing the unit every few days will help to keep better track of where the car goes and which addresses were logged into the unit. It should be understood that the GPS must be treated like a cell phone. It should be set to navigate prior to the car being put in motion, and if something needs to be checked, the car should be stopped and put in park before the device is touched.

Subscribe to Triple A
Subscribe to Triple A. AAA, or the American Auto Association, offers roadside assistance to subscribers. This includes if you run out of gas, have a flat tire or the car breaks down. Make sure that anyone who drives the vehicle has the phone number for Triple A in his phone, so he doesn’t have to look for it in case of an emergency. Triple A offers 24-hour service and will notify you if something is wrong and where the car has been taken if it was towed to a repair shop.

Teach by Example
You will always be your child’s first teacher. This includes when you are behind the wheel. He has watched you drive since he was old enough to look over the back seat of the car. If you want to make sure your child learns how to drive properly, let him drive with you. Give him pointers and answer his questions. Allow him to drive in different weather conditions, so he knows what to expect when he is out on his own.

Safe Driver Monitors
Take advantage of the Safe Driver Monitors that many insurance companies offer. The small device plugs directly into your car’s computer and monitors how the car is driven. This will also let your insurance company know how everyone in the family drives and may result in Good Driver Discounts if you qualify.

Getting a driver’s license is just one rite of passage for a teenager. You’ve taught him well and have the best technology to help you monitor how well he does while he is on the road. Don’t panic! He is going to do just fine!

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